Catchbox Case Study

Published on: Sep 7, 2017
ElderCounsel provides quality elder law education and practice-building tools for elder care attorneys. They run a lot of events and audience participation is an important part of the learning process. In this case study ElderCounsel telly how Catchbox helped them improve the audience engagement, learning process, and excitement.
Who Are They?
ElderCounsel works with elder law and estate planning attorneys to provide them with document drafting software, education, training, and support. They’re a membership organization that encourages attorneys to branch out into this area of the law – and they work with over 1,000 firms across the US to date.
What Was the Challenge?
The organization hosts a bunch of live events, each time with around 30-35 people taking part. These events are also webcasted to a wider audience, so they need to be as slick and engaging as possible to prevent viewers at home from switching off.
ElderCounsel is, of course, keen to make sure there’s plenty of audience participation and questions being asked, but this causes a problem: it can be difficult to get a handheld microphone out to people fast.
This meant that there was either a long, awkward delay while staff ran around trying to get the mic to the right place, or people would just jump the gun and ask their question without one. This quickly got frustrating for people watching the webcast, who couldn’t hear the question.
How Did Catchbox Help?
As soon as they started using the Catchbox at events, the change in atmosphere was palpable. According to ElderCounsel, participants now ask around 25% more questions, and excitement during the Q&A has shot up by around 50%.
Rather than dreading the suspense of waiting for the microphone, audience members see this as a fun, high-energy part of the event. Their eyes light up when they have a chance to get involved and everyone wants to try it out next!
Now, the team uses their Catchbox at every single event they hold. In fact, they say it’s a fundamental part of their events and they can’t imagine a situation where a handheld microphone would ever be better.
Here’s What They Had to Say About It
“The Catchbox has completely changed the way we run our events. Attendees used to avert their eyes and try to sneak their question in as quickly as possible because they saw me coming with the handheld microphone.
“During its first use, our main keynote speaker started calling it the “magic talking box.” He would emphasize that if you had a question, you needed to ask it into the magic talking box. He even made a competition about how good people could throw and catch it. This made our events fun again! It also eliminated the need for a staff member to constantly get up and down to carry a microphone around, as attendees really self-govern the passing of the ‘magic talking box’. I can’t say enough great things about the Catchbox and would never conduct another event without it!”