Catchbox Case Study

Bringing Inspiration into the Meetings Industry
Published on: Mar 30, 2016
The MICE Club LIVE workshop is an annual branch event for the MICE and Meetings Industry in Germany. The organizer – the branch community MICE Club – has more than 250 members from the suppliers’ and buyers’ side. Their mission is to bring inspirational and value-adding content to the German MICE industry.
We had the chance to speak with Dominik Deubner, initiator and organizer of MICE Club LIVE. This is their second year in a row using Catchbox, and Dominik was more than happy to tell us about his experience with the throwable microphone.
Why did you want a Catchbox for MICE Club LIVE?
“The MICE Club LIVE workshop is a networking event for the Meetings industry. At the beginning all participants have to introduce themselves. We always set-up the venue in an arena style, so that attendees sit in a circle facing each other. This way people have to look at each other and actually get to know each other.”
“To get everyone involved, we needed a flexible microphone instead of a classical handheld one. The easiest solution for us was to be able to throw the microphone from one participant to another. Also, the automute feature of Catchbox works pretty well when people do not catch it – no noise is the consequence! And it was FUN!”
What’s your Audience like?
“We get around 90 suppliers and buyers from the German Meetings Industry annually. All extremely demanding – especially when it comes down to improving events, discovering new #eventtech, or inspiration on how to include these tools into their event concepts.”
Does Catchbox work with your audience?
“Yes, attendees from the MICE Industry are always on the lookout for new innovations and ways to engage. Our event has a reputation that attracts really high level people from the industry. They know that engagement is the key to more awareness and activity.”
Is it important to engage people at your events?
“Yes, that’s the unique selling point of our event: Engagement is the key to creating a feel-good atmosphere for attendees as well as trust within the group.”
“The MICE Club LIVE started with the promise of bringing added value to the meetings industry through inspiration and new technical tools for the branch to try out. Nobody wants to hear one-sided presentations anymore in these days – they want to be an active part of the event.”
Has Catchbox changed your events?
“Yes, our people love the Catchbox and they always expect us to find new and innovative gadgets for our events. They always ask us how to get in touch with Catchbox for their future events because it creates a better atmosphere, more intimacy, more fun and interaction.”
“Some of our attendees already knew about Catchbox from last years’ LIVE Club. And even though it wasn’t new to those few, they still liked it to have it there because the tool fits perfectly to the theme of our event. We had lots of laughter using it during our introductory sessions.”
Do you plan to use Catchbox in the future?
“Absolutely! As the leader of the German Meetings Industry we have several incentives to bring the Catchbox to the relevant set of event organizers.”
That’s all for this round of Catchbox Stories – Thank you Dominik for sharing your experiences with us, we wish you and the MICE Club all the best for your future events! For those speaking German, check out the MICE Club 2016 aftermovie, along with a few awesome action shots of Catchbox:
About MICE Club
The MICE Club is an industry community for the entire German MICE and events industry. In bilateral exchange with industry players, they want to create new synergies and fresh food-for-thought to assist meeting planners in their daily work, and to provide vendors with value-oriented marketing tools available.
Once a year, qualified industry players meet for the MICE Club LIVE – our industry event. The concept of the MICE Club LIVE includes two interactive and informative days full of inspiring added value, innovative sessions for the targeted product placement and a sophisticated knowledge transfer.